
Showing posts from April, 2020

Red hat certifications explained in Telugu

Hi Guys, Already we know that Linux certifications helps us to get better salary and to move higher positions in IT Industry,now we are going to learn most famous Linux certifications in Telugu  RHCSA stands for red hat certified  system administrator, actually It is a basic entry level certification, every certifications have different syllabus, to prepare RHCSA certification we need to prepare  RH124 & 134 & 136    syllabus books RHCHA Exam code :  Ex200   Exam time :  2.5 hrs. RHCE stands for red hat certified engineer, it is a next level certification and contains  RH254 & RH255 syllabus RHCE exam code for Red hat 8 Linux for  EX300  RHCE exam code for Red hat 7  Linux  for  EX294 Exam time :  3.5 hrs.

Electronics In Telugu

ఎలక్ట్రానిక్స్  మన  నిత్య జీవితంలో రోజు  వాడుతువుంటాం అవి ఏంటి ? డయోడ్ డయో డ్  రెండు టెర్మినల్స్ తో  కూడిన సెమీకండక్టర్ పరికరం. (ఒక యానోడ్ మరియు కాథోడ్) ఇక్కడ మీరు డయోడ్  గు ర్తుని చుడవచ్చు సాడధారణంగా మాత్రమే ఒక దిశలో విద్యుత్ ప్రవాహాన్ని అనుమతిస్తుంది, ఇక్కడ నిరోధకం చాల తక్కువ లేద సున్న దినిని forward bias అంటాము . మరోక దిశలో అనుమతించదు ఎందుకంటే ఇక్కడ చాల ఎక్కవ నిరోదకం లేద అనంతం దినిని riverse bias అంటాము. ముందుగా  forward biased అంటే ఏంటో  తేలుసుకుందం Forward bias :  డయోడ్  యోక్క P- టర్మినల్ బ్యాటరి యోక్క +Ve కి & N- టర్మినల్  బ్యాటరి యోక్క -Ve కి  కనేక్ట్  అయ్యివుంటుంది . ఇల చయడం వల్ల Pలో గల holes మరియు  Nలో గల ఎలక్టన్స్  ఓక్కదగ్గరికి వచ్చి Depletion region తగ్గి విద్యుత్ ప్రవహిస్తుంది Reverse bias:  డయోడ్  యోక్క P- టర్మినల్ బ్యాటరి యోక్క -Ve కి & N- టర్మినల్  బ్యాటరి యోక్క +Ve కి  కనేక్ట్  అయ్యివుంటుంది Pలో గల holes మరియు  Nలో గల ఎలక్టన్స్...

C language operators with examples

a) Arithmetic operation:- These operators to calculate mathematical operations.these are-, +,*,%,÷.   Subtraction(-) it is used to subtract two operands A-B=1 A=3,B=2  Addition (+) It is useful to add two operands A+B=5  (refer example 3)   Multiplication (*) It is used to multiplies two operands A*B=6    Division (/) It is used to divides numerator by de-numerator  A/B=1  (refer example 1&2) %Remainder  It is useful to get remainder  A%B=0   Example 1)Division:-                  int a, b;        float c;        c=a/b         Result :                  a=10           ...

C Language for beginners

Arrays in C       Collection of single type of elements in a Single variable is Called Array  Array - [ ] this brackets indicates array  Array Indes [ ] always start from zero  Advantages  1) Memory will be created automatically  2) We can store values in single variable  Disadvantages  1) Array size always static, We can declare initially  2) Ones we declare array size we can not Increase or Decrease  Syntax     datatype<variable>[size];  IF defination   If condition is true then only excutes statments and shows result other wise out does not display result Syntax    IF(conditon) {     Statement 1 ;      Statement 2 ;              :              :              :...

BASICS of computer.

Before going to learn C language . We have to know BASICS of computer. COMPUTER:           computer is the electronic device it  consists INPUT(keyboard, mouse..etc), OUTPUT(Monitor, printer...etc) devices and CPU (central processing unit). CPU:        CPU is also called brain of the mainly consists ALU, CU,MAIN MEMORY. it perform Arithmetic,Logical And also input output operations according to instructions Hardware:            Hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer we can also touch it such as Monitor,Keyboard,Sound Card,Hard disk drive,CDROM,RAM(random access memory ),Motherboard, Memory...etc Software:             Collection of the programme(s) is called as software. It is mainly divided into SYSTEM software (All Operating systems,Windows xp , Windows 8 , Linux..etc) and Applications software(Ms wor...

Operators in C Language explained with 3 Examples

a) Arithmetic b) Relational c) Logical d) Bitwise e) Increment & Decrement operators    f) Assignment operators a) Arithmetic operation:- These operators to calculate mathematical operations.these are-, +,*,%,÷.   Subtraction(-) it is used to subtract two operands A-B=1 A=3,B=2  Addition (+) It is useful to add two operands A+B=5  (refer example 3)   Multiplication (*) It is used to multiplies two operands A*B=6    Division (/) It is used to divides numerator by de-numerator  A/B=1  (refer example 1&2) %Remainder  It is useful to get remainder  A%B=0   Example 1)Division:-                  int a, b;        float c;        c=a/b             Result :...

C language introduction

C is the most popular computer programming language or compiler language developed by the  Dennis richly  in New Jersey   between  1969  to  1973  at bell telephone laboratories actually c re-implement with the UNIX (operating system) but after  UNIX OS also re-written in C.The language was formatted in 1988 by ANSI (American national standard institute).the aim of the c language is to provide an easy and natural way of giving programs of instruction to a computer FEATURES:                  Nowadays C widely using as Professional language to write program(s) so we have known what are the reasons there        Easy to WRITE        Easy to LEARN        STRUCTURE PROGRAM          EASY TO DEBUGGING & TESTING & MAINTENANCE       ITS  ALLOWS VARIETY OF PRO...

C programs with explanation

C programme is divisible by 7 or not #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value:"); scanf("%d",&a); if(a%7==0){ printf("it is divisable with 7");} else{ printf("it is not divisable with 7");} getch(); } C programme for given number is valid or not  #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main(){ int a; clrscr(); printf("Enter the password:"); scanf("%d",&a); if(a=>1000&&a<=9999){ printf("password is valid"); } else{ printf("password is invalid"); } getch(); } Result: 0000 is not valid 1010 is valid C programme for addition #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b,s; clrscr(); printf("Enter two numbers:"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); s=a+b; printf("sum=%d",s); getch(); } C programme for subtract...