BASICS of computer.

Before going to learn C language . We have to know BASICS of computer.


          computer is the electronic device it  consists INPUT(keyboard, mouse..etc), OUTPUT(Monitor, printer...etc) devices and CPU (central processing unit).


       CPU is also called brain of the mainly consists ALU, CU,MAIN MEMORY. it perform Arithmetic,Logical And also input output operations according to instructions


          Hardware is the physical parts or components of a computer we can also touch it such as Monitor,Keyboard,Sound Card,Hard disk drive,CDROM,RAM(random access memory ),Motherboard, Memory...etc


            Collection of the programme(s) is called as software. It is mainly divided into SYSTEM software (All Operating systems,Windows xp , Windows 8 , Linux..etc) and Applications software(Ms word, Paint, Anti virus..etc)

Memory: - 

Computer memory is any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently

Actually memory is divided into two types in computer,depends on type of storage capability memory divided into two types  Primary & Secondary


Primary memory stores the information temporally in this type of memories loss the memory (content) when the power is last.

Example:-b Ram, Rom


Primary memory stores the information permanently in this type of memories doesn't loss the memory (content) until we delete.

Example:- Hard dick, CD-ROM

What is the use of primary memory?

In this temporary stored data is used it to quick access the computer processor so automatically increase the processing speed of the computer.

First one is volatile & second one is non volatile


 In this type of memory data loss when sudden changes in power


In this type of memory data doesn't loss when sudden changes in power


In this type of memory data stored by recording in the farm of optical . we can read the data with the help of laser beam.


In this type of memory data stored by recording in the form of magnetic. we can read the data with the help of read and write heads

RAM: -

Ram stands for Random Access Memory
It stores frequently used data
It store the data when the system is on
Actually operating system is storage in hard disc but it load from the Ram only.


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