
Showing posts from January, 2021

How to run multiple commands at the time in Linux | 7Hills

 By using multiple commands helped to save time and to get desire output, to run multiples at the same time we need to some operators like semicolon(;), Semicolon (;) operator Used to execute multiple commands - regardless of whether each previews command succeed. Example, we can command executed without any issue. In the below image LS command failed to execute and ignored, successfully executed next commands. Logical AND Operator(&&) If you want the second command to only run if the first command is successful Example : In the below image observation we can see that first command execution failed and second command not execution also not happened. In the below observation we can see that first & second command executed successfully, it means that if first command executed then only second command will execute. Logical OR operator (||) sometimes you might want to execute a second command only if the first command does not succeed. In the below image we can observe tha...

Netstat command Examples

Netstat command is one of the mostly used by network engineer as well as IT stuff  to know network related statistics.  Netstat stands for  Network Statistics Netstat command definition:- It used to monitoring network connections both incoming and outgoing as well as viewing routing tables, interface statistics etc. Below command used to know listing ports netstat -a = Listing all ports (both TCP and UDP) Below command used to know listing TCP ports netstat -at = Listing only TCP  Below command used to know listing UDP ports netstat -au = Listing only UDP Below command used to know listing all active ports netstat -l = Listing all active listening ports Below command used to know listing all listing TCP ports netstat -lt = Listing all active listening TCP ports Below command used to know listing all UDP ports netstat -lu = Listing all active listening UDP ports Below command used to know all statics netstat -s = statistics are shown for the TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP pro...

Local YUM configuration step by step | 7Hills

YUM stands for Yellowdog Updater Modified, Used for Manage packages like installing, updating, and deleting packages in simple way, we can configure yum in three multiples types, here we are going to learn local yum configuration only. Require locally ISO file in your system to complete local yum configuration.  Fellow bellow steps to install local yum configuration. Use below command to install httpd service Yum install httpd Use below command to create directory # mkdir -p  /mnt/disc Use mount command for mount /dev/sr0 device(/dev/sr0 is CDROM disk ) before executing below command check disk inserted CDROM or not, if your using VMWare, you should browse ISO file into disk drive.  # mount /dev/sr0  /mnt/disc Use below command to copy media.repo file into your local machine   # cp / mnt/disc/media.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ Assign the 644 permission to below path, use below command to do the same # chmod 644 /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7dvd.repo edit /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel...

Linux Vs Windows | Compare Linux Vs Windows

Let's know the difference between Linux Vs Windows,    1) Linux is an open source operating system (OS) so user can change source code as per their requirement but   Windows OS is a commercial operating system, Not open source operating system so can't change the source code. 2) Linux runs faster even with older hardware and It support various types of hardware to install OS so we can upgrade hardware very easily, Coming to windows OS it works slower compared to Linux and can't support various types hardware, Need high end designed Hardware so in windows platform it not easy task to upgrade hardware.     3) Linux is secure compared to Windows.  4) There are no drives in Linux, It have only root directory, under root directory. have multiple directories like /bin /root /home /var ..etc. in Windows operating system data are stored in folders on different data drives like C: D: E 5) Linux is case sensitive but windows not case sensitive. 6) Linux OS ...