How to run multiple commands at the time in Linux | 7Hills
By using multiple commands helped to save time and to get desire output, to run multiples at the same time we need to some operators like semicolon(;), Semicolon (;) operator Used to execute multiple commands - regardless of whether each previews command succeed. Example, we can command executed without any issue. In the below image LS command failed to execute and ignored, successfully executed next commands. Logical AND Operator(&&) If you want the second command to only run if the first command is successful Example : In the below image observation we can see that first command execution failed and second command not execution also not happened. In the below observation we can see that first & second command executed successfully, it means that if first command executed then only second command will execute. Logical OR operator (||) sometimes you might want to execute a second command only if the first command does not succeed. In the below image we can observe tha...