Local YUM configuration step by step | 7Hills
YUM stands for Yellowdog Updater Modified, Used for Manage packages like installing, updating, and deleting packages in simple way, we can configure yum in three multiples types, here we are going to learn local yum configuration only.
Require locally ISO file in your system to complete local yum configuration.
Fellow bellow steps to install local yum configuration.
Use below command to install httpd service
Yum install httpd
Use below command to create directory
# mkdir -p /mnt/disc
Use mount command for mount /dev/sr0 device(/dev/sr0 is CDROM disk )
before executing below command check disk inserted CDROM or not, if your using VMWare, you should browse ISO file into disk drive.
# mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/disc
Use below command to copy media.repo file into your local machine
# cp / mnt/disc/media.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
Assign the 644 permission to below path, use below command to do the same
# chmod 644 /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7dvd.repo
edit /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7dvd.repo file using vi command as below and red highlighted lines into file
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7dvd.repo
name=DVD for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Server
save the file and exit, After doing above all steps, now you can install packages/software's.
Use below command to clean packages cache
# yum clean all
use below command to enable repolist.
# yum repolist enabled
just complete above steps to configure local yum.
Watch Local YUM configuration video step by step.
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