Awk command with simple examples
Now, we are going to learn very interesting and Most important in Linux
Why late lets know about Awk command,one of the mostly used command in scripting. awk command used to manipulate data | using this AWK command we can generate specified reports as per our requirement.
Syntax :
awk ‘BEGIN {start_action} {action} END {stop_action}’ filename
let me explain about awk command with simple examples
Example 1:
How to print entire data of the file
cat filename | awk '{print}'
cat filename | awk '{print$0}'
both "awk '{print}' and awk '{print$0}' " used to print entire date
Example 2:
How to print very first column
cat filename| awk '{print$1}'
awk '{print$1}' used to print very first column
awk '{print$1}' used to print second column
Example 3:
How to print pattern Matching Technique in Awk.
free -m | awk '{/Mem/print}'
here, we are matching Mem using awk '{/Mem/print}'
Example 4:
How to Print multiple column at the time.
free -h | awk '/Mem/{print$1,$2,$4}'
here, we are print 1st,2nd,3rd columns at the time.
Example 5:
How to Print line number using variable NR
free -h | awk '{print NR,$0}'
Example 6:
How to print specific lines
free -h | awk 'NR == 2,NR == 9{print NR,$0}'
Here,we are print lines between 2 & 9.
Thanks you.
Real time
ll -lrth | awk '{print$9}'
Filter data manipulation
cat listofusers.txt | awk '$4~/M/'
cat listofusers.txt | awk '{printNF}'
cat listofusers.txt | awk '{print (NF-1)}' //second last coloum
Why late lets know about Awk command,one of the mostly used command in scripting. awk command used to manipulate data | using this AWK command we can generate specified reports as per our requirement.
Syntax :
awk ‘BEGIN {start_action} {action} END {stop_action}’ filename
let me explain about awk command with simple examples
Example 1:
How to print entire data of the file
cat filename | awk '{print}'
cat filename | awk '{print$0}'
both "awk '{print}' and awk '{print$0}' " used to print entire date
Example 2:
How to print very first column
cat filename| awk '{print$1}'
awk '{print$1}' used to print very first column
awk '{print$1}' used to print second column
Example 3:
How to print pattern Matching Technique in Awk.
free -m | awk '{/Mem/print}'
here, we are matching Mem using awk '{/Mem/print}'
Example 4:
How to Print multiple column at the time.
free -h | awk '/Mem/{print$1,$2,$4}'
here, we are print 1st,2nd,3rd columns at the time.
Example 5:
How to Print line number using variable NR
free -h | awk '{print NR,$0}'
Example 6:
How to print specific lines
free -h | awk 'NR == 2,NR == 9{print NR,$0}'
Here,we are print lines between 2 & 9.
Thanks you.
Real time
ll -lrth | awk '{print$9}'
Filter data manipulation
cat listofusers.txt | awk '$4~/M/'
cat listofusers.txt | awk '{printNF}'
cat listofusers.txt | awk '{print (NF-1)}' //second last coloum
I need small help i have received one task on from my team can you help one this
ReplyDelete1) • The script should take the server list from a file as input. Basically, server list should contain the OA(Onboard Administrator) IP address. Username/Password to access the OA is assumed to be
2)• The script should take each OA IP from the server list file and login to the OA, and identify the failed hosts. The following command can be used for that.