Now, we are going to learn very interesting and Most important in Linux Why late lets know about Awk command,one of the mostly used command in scripting. awk command used to manipulate data | using this AWK command we can generate specified reports as per our requirement. Syntax : awk ‘BEGIN {start_action} {action} END {stop_action}’ filename let me explain about awk command with simple examples Example 1: How to print entire data of the file cat filename | awk '{print}' cat filename | awk '{print$0}' both " awk '{print}' and awk '{print$0}' " used to print entire date Example 2: How to print very first column cat filename| awk '{print$1}' awk '{print$1}' used to print very first column awk '{print$1}' used to print second column Example 3: How to print p attern Matching Technique in Awk. free -m | awk '{/Mem/print}' here, we are matching Mem using awk '{/Mem/p...
Hello, Here we are going to learn complete Linux course freely & Simply way. Why Linux? Linux is an heart the operating system, Based on the Linux Kernel their are different types of Linux flavors available i.e.. RedHat, Centos, Fedora, Mint Debian, Kali, OpenSUSE...etc Features of Linux Open source. Multi-user. Multitasking. Hierarchical file system. Portable. Wide hardware support. No need to worry, we explained each and every topic clearly just click on the below links for watch on Youtube. 1. Linux outline in Telugu 2. Linux introduction In Telugu 3. Linux architecture In Telugu 4. Linux Directory Structure In Telugu 5. Linux Basic Commands In Telugu 6. ...
Hey! Well come back! Here, we are going to learn very useful command rsync. basically rsync is used to sync file system with same structure. It also used to data backup/copy. rsync is free command line utility & In most of the system it available defiantly. We can install rsync utility in debian based system using below command apt-get install rsync We can install rsync utility in redhat based system using below command yum install rsync Below command used to copy files without using option rsync /root/Desktop/original/* /root/Desktop/backup/ Below command used for recursive copy, it means with sub folders. rsync -avhr /root/Desktop/original/* /root/Desktop/backup/ Here -a is used for archive data. -v is used for show output. -h is used for show copied data in MB's,it means human readable format. Below command used for include or exclude rsync -avz --include ...
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